Coach Mikki and Friends

Revitalize Your Life with Holistic Healing Strategies - Dr. Dorcia Hart - S4E4

Coach Mikki Season 4 Episode 7

 Dr. Dorcia Hart brings to life in our latest conversation, where we delve into the transformative power of hydration, nutrition, and movement for holistic well-being. Dr. Hart's journey from a traditional pharmacy background to a natural health advocate is nothing short of inspiring, offering actionable insights that promise to help you tune into your body's needs and address inflammation through life's simplest elixirs.

Our discussion takes an intriguing turn towards the bustling metropolis of our gut health, where trillions of bacteria work tirelessly to keep us functioning. The gut is our ally in the quest for health, and as Dr. Hart explains, the balance of probiotics and prebiotics is crucial. Antibiotics, while life-saving, can often leave this delicate ecosystem in disarray. Learn how to befriend your "gut buddies" again with probiotic-rich foods and supplements, ensuring your digestive system can absorb every drop of goodness from your diet.

Lastly, we celebrate Dorcia's dedication to truly personalized health guidance. From in-home shopping assistance to immersive retreats, she's on a mission to help you navigate the path to a more vibrant lifestyle. Whether you're curious about plant-based diets, navigating food intolerances, or just looking to detox your routine, this episode is packed with wisdom to fuel your transformation. Join us, and let Dorcia Hart guide you towards a future where your health is in your hands, and joy is on your plate.

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Speaker 1:

Hey, I'm Coach Mickey and I'm so glad that you've joined us, and if this is your first time joining us, come on in and make yourself comfortable. And for those of you that join us on a regular basis, we're so glad that you do. And thank you so much for all your support on all of our clients and all the people that we have on here as guests for on to keep on sharing, and we really appreciate the fact that you reach out to them and also show your comments, your questions and your suggestions of who you'd like to see on our not only our YouTube channel, but also on our podcast. And again, I'd like to thank keep on sharing for sponsoring this episode. And today I'm really excited because today I have got with me Dr Dorcia Hart. She has been shifting focus from conventional medicine to holistic health practices and I'm really excited to have you on because I think this is a really an important subject and I wanna thank you for joining us today. So how are you?

Speaker 2:

Oh, I'm just fine.

Speaker 1:

Thank you, so tell me your story. So how did this occur? You told me from a while ago, when you and I were speaking, that you were a pharmacist, and then you've switched gears. So how did that all transpire?

Speaker 2:

Well, I've been a pharmacist for like 35 years and getting toward retirement and everything seemed to be going just fine. And then, all of a sudden, things hit you. Your health starts to drop off and you start having aches and pains and it's like what is it? I'm trying to go in retirement? I don't even feel like all this.

Speaker 2:

So one morning I woke up and my hand was blue, and so my husband rushed me to the hospital and it's like the guy says well, you got arthritis in your neck and you got a corpal tunnel on this arm and you got a frozen shoulder over here which I couldn't raise up more than this. And it's like I had a sciatica nerve problem. I mean, I would just go into pot and they gave me Advil for the pain and for the inflammation and it didn't really work, and so I still would have pain in between. And then they started giving me steroid shots and it's like geez, I just can't believe I'm gonna be a product of the product. And so when they started telling me that we're gonna have to use her address, I had to cut that off, and so I decided to just go cold, turkey, don't do anything. So I suffered for about a year just in severe pain, and I really resonate with all the people out there that have joint pain, because I didn't really didn't know how bad it was until you have it yourself. And so I had a vantage relay that it was talking about this water, and it just went over my hand. I can't believe water would make that much of a difference in your health, and so I tried it for two weeks and my pain went away and I was like, wow, how can that be?

Speaker 2:

So I started researching it and figured out that we're just really dehydrated, and when you're dehydrated you get a lot of inflammation in your body and your body doesn't know where to do it. It can't flush it out because you're not drinking enough water, and so it starts to store it, stores it in your joints, stores it in your hip, stores it in I mean, it just stores it everywhere. And so if you understand what diseases are, they're really just because of inflammation. You know they all start with inflammation and that's how diseases start. So if you flush it out with really good water, then your body can actually heal itself. And so I said, well, shoot, I can help other people get off prescription drugs if they just drink good water.

Speaker 2:

So then that's how I developed my three colors of health hydration, nutrition and movement. So you need all three of those things to have a healthy body and your body. You know whatever you put in your body, your body will use to rebuild itself, so it rejuvenates yourself inside out. So that's how I started off. You know, just trying to help people learn about health and understand. You know that they do have a choice. You know about the body. You just have to know what the signals are.

Speaker 1:

It makes a lot of sense because our body is geared to to fix itself if you feed it the proper nutrition and, like you said, in the water what is? I mean, what's the percentage of our body? I mean I've heard conflicting information, but our body's got a very high percentage of water, so it makes sense. If you don't have enough of it, it's gonna affect you.

Speaker 2:

Right, our body is 70% water and we eat 70% and not drink hardly any water, and so your body can't really pump. Every function in your body is based on water. You know everything that it does. It makes new cells every single day. So if you're using, building or drinking soda every day, then your body's gonna build a soda body. So do you want a soda body? You know.

Speaker 1:

Well, that would explain all the bubbles.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, bubbles. So. So hydration is the first one, and so drink better water. And if you want to know what kind of water I drink, you know you can put something in the chat and you guys can contact me. You need to drink at least eight to 10 glasses of water a day, and I know you might think that's a lot of water, but you know your body is 70% and you need to drink more than what you're eating. Just flip it around drink more liquids, you know you need more liquids.

Speaker 2:

The second one is nutrition. So you need to eat about eight to 10 fruits and vegetables a day. The surgeon general used to recommend four to six, now they're recommending eight to 10. And you say, oh my God, that's too much to eat. But you know, just break it down, think about it.

Speaker 2:

What do you eat for breakfast? You know, do you eat eggs and bacon? Or do you? You know so that those eggs, you know if you don't eat eggs, or you know plant-based eggs, just what do you can you put in there? You can put spinach in there, you put mushrooms in there, you can put onions, garlic, so you might be able to just put three things in there.

Speaker 2:

So start with breakfast, you put three things in there. And then go to lunch and then make sure you add you know, maybe you're having a sandwich or something. You can put lettuce and tomatoes and onions or avocado, you know, put that into your sandwich. Or if it's a soup, it has all different kinds of vegetables in there. Or you can do a smoothie, you know, just grind it all together and put it in a smoothie and just drink this other, you know. And then dinner you know dinner you always eat, you know, vegetables with dinner carrots, peas, green beans, broccoli, spinach. So you know, if you plan it out and that would give you nine vegetables, real easy. You just have to find out. You know, just make sure you put three vegetables in with each meal. If you eat three meals a day and then the last one is movement. So you have to include movement because you got to get all that processed and give your body time to adjust and everything. So you need to get about five to 10,000 steps a day.

Speaker 2:

Now the disclaimer is, if you're working with a doctor, you know you do need to follow what the doctor is doing. They're there to help you and if they have you on a restriction for either water or diet or movement. You know you need to follow that, but you don't have. You do need to understand that. You have an opinion. You can converse with your doctor. He's there to help you, but you need to speak up and tell him what's going on, what are your goals. I mean, if you're having a lot of side effects, you can decrease the dosage or put you on something else. But if you're improving your health by drinking better, eating better and movement, then he's going to have to change something. So maybe you can get off your prescription meds but work through your doctor always, because a lot of times there's a lot of side effects with that. So those are the three pillars of health. Well, I'm going to go.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to backtrack about the water. So what is different between the water that you said that you were drinking compared to you know, if we just went and got a glass of water or bottled water? I mean, there's so much information I've heard of high alkaline or alkaline water electrolytes, so what's the? What do you find that makes the biggest difference?

Speaker 2:

Well, the water I drink has antioxidants in it and if you know about antioxidants, you know when you eat fruits and vegetables you get antioxidants. But this water is like 10 times more antioxidants than the water from just one glass. And antioxidants, they fight the free radicals in your body, they boost your immune system and that's something that you know you need so that your body can fight off all these crazy diseases that we're having these days. You know. So it has antioxidants. The water is actually electrified, so it splits the water into hydrogen and OH-negative. So you have extra hydrogen in the water rolling around and you have extra hydrogen in the water. And so that helps your body, all the way down to the cellular level, to actually hydrate yourself better and remove the inflammation out of your body. And so when you remove the inflammation, your body can actually heal itself and make a difference.

Speaker 2:

You know it's made a difference in my joint pain. I don't have any of that anymore. It's made a difference in my A1C. My A1C has dropped Cyanic nerve, I mean, you name it. Anywhere inflammation resonates in your body, can cause diseases and cause problems, even constipation. You know, if you're not drinking enough water, if you're not eating enough fruits and vegetables. You know your constipation is not is gonna be a problem. But you know I've written a book on the top 10 food secrets no one wants to talk about. No one wants to talk about food, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Well, your gut health is so important and we're hearing that more and more about how our gut health it just really contributes to a lot of things within our body that we don't even think we're aware of, how it affects it. So let's talk a little bit about that, because I would like to hear about you know, your book, and then also how this all contributes to everything else happening within our body.

Speaker 2:

Okay, yeah, your gut is probably the most important thing in your body, even though your brain does talk to it. But if your stomach is not working right, you know, you just feel blah. You know, if it's not working right, you're not able to get the nutrients in, you're not able to get the water in. You're not. You know, everything stems around your gut. If your gut stops working, you die because you can't get nutrients, you can't get water. So what else do you have? So the doctor will have to give you, you know, kidney transplants, or they have to get the fluid in a little, some kind of way if your gut's not working.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so your gut, all that is very important for your body to function. You can't function without it. So, yeah, so your gut health, you need to use the gut buddies. So I have a thing called gut buddies and those are your probiotics and your prebiotics. So you need to feed your probiotics, okay, and I have a list. I'll have a little chart that you know, I can see you, and so you just take, you know, something you know like a tablespoon of prebiotics to help your probiotics flourish in your body. And so if we didn't have bacteria in our body, then we couldn't survive either, cause there are the ones that are eating up all the little stuff and digesting your food in there and, along with your body, has acid and enzymes and everything but the things that are in your stomach. Those are really important for us to eat, and so if we're eating fast foods and soda, you know when I'm getting our gut buddies in there. So it's important to have the gut buddies to help us in that and that makes a lot of sense.

Speaker 1:

And I'm gonna ask you a question that's always been on my mind and this might clarify some things for the people that are watching and listening Describe or explain to us how antibiotics work and why probiotics are so important when we're taking antibiotics. Because even for my own experience just seeing what transpires within your body, especially as a female we know things happen when you take antibiotics and it's killing everything, not just killing what you need it for, it's affecting everything else in your body. So if you would be so kind of explain that, this would be amazing.

Speaker 2:

Okay, sure. So there's a lot of different kind of bacteria in your stomach and in your gut and when you take antibiotics they're killing off a lot of your good bacteria, and the good bacteria is what's actually helping to digest your food. So after you take antibiotics you need to put the good bacteria in by taking probiotics, by eating leafy green vegetables, so that you can build back up your community in here. So the community in there, if you have more of the good bacteria, that's better than the bad bacteria, than your body can flourish inside. But you have to make sure you build that up and so if you eat the probiotics in there and then feed them because they need to have something to eat, then your body can change that normal flora around and then have control over what's going on in your body. So when you take antibiotics you need to put the probiotics and prebiotics back into your system so that you fill up your bacteria to the normal level and it can function for you.

Speaker 1:

Now, I know you offer a workshop also. I saw that within your bio and is this something you can share? A little bit about that so people can reach out to you? And, as you guys know, with every podcast and YouTube channel we always have the description either down below or it's embedded within the podcast, so you'll be able to reach out to Darcy Ahark. But talk a little bit about your workshop that you do, that you offer.

Speaker 2:

Okay, sure, so the title of the workshop is called Take Charging Rehabilitation, and so every once you really take charge of your health, your doctor is there to help you if you're on your doctor's care, but you are the ultimate person that should be taking care of your body. And I'm just getting just basic health information, something that you should have gotten from school, and it's basically those three pillars of health hydration, nutrition and movement. Once you have a handle on that, then you know what your body needs to rejuvenate itself, because it does that every single day. It doesn't rejuvenate every cell every day, but it's rejuvenating cells every day. It's rebuilding and also have like a little chart that tells you how long it takes to rejuvenate. So your colon it has a lot of activity in there and a lot of acid and stuff going on, so it will rejuvenate itself every five to seven days. So that's good. So if you mess it up, you can retreat free, free from that. But yeah, so every Friday, once a month, I have a topic that we talk about, and every week we talk about that topic, and so we've been talking about skin this week and I have a little story for you.

Speaker 2:

A young man in his 20s or 30s, early 30s, he was having skin problems, you know, just breaking out not just on his face but all over his body. And I stopped and asked him you know well, do you drink water? And he said no, not really. I get all my water from my fruits and vegetables. I was told that I could do that and it's like no, no, that's not quite right, you need to drink water. And so I try to convince him to drink water. Hopefully he will, because your body has, you know, ways to eliminate waste. You know your pee, your poop, your breath and your skin, and so his skin was trying to eliminate all this stuff because he wasn't drinking water. And your body is a magnificent machine. It will do everything to put you in the right shape. Now, if you cut a finger, you don't have to say, oh, I got a, I'm cut here, can you come here and fix it? It will actually go over there and fill in that cut and fix it for you. For most people now, if you're a human failure, now that's a little different. So most people, you know your body will kill itself and as long as you give it the right stuff. So Fridays at noon Pacific time I'm there, you can bring your problems, we can talk about them.

Speaker 2:

This week we're going to make soap. Okay, so I've never made soap before, but you know there's so many chemicals in everything that we put on our body, and our skin is our largest organ and we really need to treat it a little better than we have them. So think about you. Know we the ingredients? What are you putting on your skin? Cause your skin will absorb everything.

Speaker 2:

So if you're putting toxic chemicals on your face, you know you have to look at your makeup. You have to look at your soap. You have to look at the shampoo for your hair. You have to look at the cream. You have to look at everything that you put on your body, cause your body will soak it up and when you get problems, you got to think about well, what was I doing? What did I do? What did I put on my body? What was I eating? So you know, if you think about it, your body gives you symptoms and you can discover what to do for them. So this week we're making soap. I hope you can join us and it'll be fun. It's an open forum. You can talk, share recipes, so maybe you guys will bring your soap recipes.

Speaker 1:

That is so fun, that is really fun. Yeah, I mean, it can even be something simple as you change your laundry detergent and it affects your body. So I can't even imagine every single day, whatever you're using on your skin is gonna, you know, gonna affect it because it's absorbing it in. Yeah, I've been more aware of that recently. You know we, like you said, the shampoo is cause. What is the sodium? Laurel sulfate Is that's a detergent you use for what? Scrubbing the floor? I mean, it's pretty hefty, you know. That's it everything.

Speaker 2:

Right. So you always want to look for a petroleum based chemicals. You know they're not made for us, you know they're just throwing it in there because it works really well. But is it really good for our body, you know, and over the period of years your body starts to soak up all those chemicals and then they turn into diseases and whatever else you know. You know they could turn into.

Speaker 2:

So it's good to be aware and I don't put any soaps on my face or anything. I try to just, you know, use, you know, the water from my machine. That's, clean, rid of the pesticides. You need to eat without the pesticides. And I even have gardening.

Speaker 2:

You know we try to grow everything in the backyard rather than buying stuff in the store that has all the pesticides. You can't wash it off because they're oil based. Then you need to grow it in the backyard. So, yeah, you just have to try to get rid of some of the stuff because if you're overwhelmed, I mean there's a big scare of cancer. You know you don't even know where it's coming from. But try to eliminate a lot of the sources and you can think about, you know, look at the ingredients, you know, and think about what's coming from.

Speaker 2:

When I went to the farmers market, I asked the farmer if they spray their freezing vegetables with pesticides and they said yes, ma'am, he's probably ma'am. Yes, they, we do use a little bit of pesticides, because if we don't, we can't bring anything to market. And I'm thinking, oh my goodness, I thought they didn't have pesticides and I thought I could go to the farmers market and get frozen vegetables that didn't have pesticides on it. But I found out not to be true. So my water system that I have it removes the pesticides. So if you want to know more about that, I can give you that information too. But I am happy to tell you that you can grow a lot of things in your backyard. You can even grow in the refrigerator. So don't tell me you don't have space. I will find a space for you and you grow the most vegetables that you like to eat and be pesticide that's fun.

Speaker 1:

Well, even when I lived in New York and a couple other places, I had small apartments. You can just put like even herbs and little things on your windowsill. Things will grow if you just make a little bit of a space for it. You know, move some of the other things like like the things that are like behind me, the space right there you could use like some plants to grow.

Speaker 2:

Just think outside the box. I even use these little mason jars. You know, if I buy my herbs from the store and I soak them and I clean them with my machine and then I put them in a little glass with water and put in the refrigerator, they last for a month or so. You know they don't get all that gummy, gooey stuff and you never. You know how do you buy herbs. You don't know when you're going to use them. Well, now you can just put them in a little jar of the water, which is 5.68. And they love it. They just flourish and you can just pick it off of it and you can just eat it and put it in your stews and your vegetables and everything. And it lasts forever. They last until you eat them all up. You know there's no waste. You know that's what I like, there's no waste. Or well, in your yard you just pick and brush.

Speaker 1:

That's great. So what could you offer? What did you say If somebody wanted to start today and they're eating a diet that is mostly fast foods, or you know they don't really know where to start in regards to changing their diet, from what they're eating, to a more healthy standard? What would you suggest be the first things that they do that could help them today?

Speaker 2:

Well, if they don't want to go vegan, because I am vegan and I can teach you how to go from a meat-based diet to a plant-based diet. The first thing is just to take the baby steps. Add the fruits and vegetables in with every meal. So start there and your meat portion should be, you know, one fourth of your whole plate, you know. So you're going to have three vegetables there and then the fourth one is your meat, your protein. Okay, so just start by adding more vegetables to your fruits and vegetables and then, eventually, you know, your palate will change, your palate will change. You know that. Your taste will change. So you don't have to go full turkey. But you know, if you want to go full turkey, I can show you how to do the vegan thing. It takes we'd have to start with, you know, one type of meat. I usually start with the beef the beef which is the most toxic with them all and then start by not eating meat every with every meal. You know, pair it down to one or two meals a day and then go, do that for a couple of weeks and then pair it down to one a day and then two or three times a week until you get to once a week, you know you don't need that much protein.

Speaker 2:

Bodybuilders are plant some of them are plant-based and they build big muscles. Think about the gorillas. They are big and strong. They don't need all that meat. They don't eat meat. So you don't need all that meat, you know. So think about it. Just start with the fruits and vegetables. Add something every day until you can get up to eight to 10. That would be your best bet. And then we need to talk about the water. We need water to generate everything. Everything needs to be fleshed out. We need to detox your colon, and colon is full of stuff and meat doesn't digest for a whole week. So if you're eating it every meal, it's. You've got this. Tons and tons of stuff and your stomach keeps getting bigger and bigger and bigger. You know you're going to explode.

Speaker 1:

It's not real, but people say I don't feel good or I feel bloated or I don't. You know my stomach feels, doesn't? It feels crazy or whatever, and I really believe it's all diet based and it's you know, and that makes a lot of sense, especially with the meat products I've had. I've not been eating gluten for over my gosh. It's probably 10 years now and I discovered that. Just how badly I fell and how my body was. Just constantly I was achy and I mean I always looked like I was three months pregnant because and I finally figured out it was the gluten and the flour.

Speaker 1:

And the gluten is not like it was when, you know, back in, when people really were baking with like true flowers and true, you know, it's completely different and it's really amazing when you remove some of these things out of your diet and you're like, oh my gosh, you just feel, you feel better instantly. I mean you can feel it within the first couple of days as soon as you stop eating that type of you know stuff. Now I now how much of how much of gluten and like pasta that are incorporated to like a vegan diet. What are your thoughts on those?

Speaker 2:

Well, you know, I discovered the same thing that I had a gluten intolerance. You know not allergic to gluten, but I can eat gluten. When I was a young little girl, I was constipated my whole life. My mother would give me enemas every week just to get me out. I mean, it was the most horrible childhood you could ever do. But you know, back then they didn't know about gluten. You know, that's like 60 years ago and they didn't know. And so when I had to discover it on myself, you know, after I was in the emergency room and a doctor just told me oh well, you know, you're just constipated, you know. And so you know, you try all the drugs and stuff that they give you and eat the vegetables. But you know, when I got rid of the gluten, my whole life changed. You know, I could function better. I was going every day or every other day, and that's really important and that's why I wrote that book.

Speaker 2:

The ebook on the top 10 secrets no one wants to talk about. It's on Amazon and it goes gives you my top 10 things to help you with constipation, and the first, hydration, is one of them, you know. But getting rid of the gluten, that's another thing that is really important. I mean, we're not made to eat that. And where's the vegetables in that? You know there's no antioxidants in that.

Speaker 2:

You know you need to look at things that are going to give you nutritional value. You know flour is in everything. So you got to read the labels. I mean, my, my son wanted some French fries and I said, okay, I'll get some French fries already frozen, made up. I looked on the ingredients they had flour in it. Why would? Why would French fries have flour in it? You know. So you got to. You got to be careful, you know, and it's everywhere. So that's why, if you don't eat box, cereal, box things, anything from the grocery that doesn't have a label on it, then you know it's not going to have a gluten. Okay, so gluten is flour. There are some flowers that are not gluten and you can use those if you just have to have the bread. But I find, you know, I don't even want the bread in my body. You know, when you get it cleaned out, you don't want to put it back in, you know do you find that because you're not eating any gluten or bread that you can smell it?

Speaker 1:

Like if I walk past a subway I can smell the bread. I can. I can smell it If I walk into other places, like different bakeries, if I walk past them, I can actually smell. I don't know if it's the yeast or, but it's just because your body hasn't I haven't consumed it. My other senses can pick it up and I was wondering you know how, like what is it different? Poisonous flowers or things like that give off a certain fragrance, or they give off something like you know it's a warning that it's not good for you. You know the insects and other animals know this. You know, and here we are, you don't know anything.

Speaker 2:

You know, we're just like just out there fitting for ourselves, just like when the tsunami comes and the animals run this way and the people are standing there watching it come, and then both of them. You know, the animals do a lot of things. We should look at animals. I mean, animals don't drink soda, you know. They don't eat bakery stuff. They drink water, they don't, you know. They drink healthy stuff, they eat meat, but they don't like processed foods, so they shouldn't eat processed foods, otherwise they get the same problems that we get. You know, processed foods is another topic that I'm gonna have to put on my help workshop, so we'll be talking about processed foods.

Speaker 1:

Well, I'd like to have you back for that, because I deal with a lot of clients and I work with a lot of people and even for myself, with binge eating, and I always tell everybody look, there's more nutrition in the container that the cupcakes and the donuts came in than you're getting out of those donuts. And then you and I could probably do another completely whole different podcasts and episode on sugar and salt, because, I mean, those again are the culprits and the vehicles that drive us to do and eat what we do. But you're right, it doesn't take much to make these simple changes in our lives. We can easily replace something sugar-based. I mean, how many muffins, croissants, you know, like you said, sugary cereals are we grabbing first thing in the morning? That's what we're putting in our body, you know. Have a banana, like you said. The smoothies, you know, put raspberries on something, maybe. You know. If you are gonna eat bread, you know, do toast with maybe a nut butter like almond butter, and put some sliced bananas. Just anything other than a sugar-based thing, you know.

Speaker 2:

So I also do a kitchen makeover where we go through your whole kitchen and remove all the stuff, all the processed foods, all the gluten stuff and then we go to the store and we put all the good stuff back in. So if you wanna do that, I also do that kind of thing too and you'd be surprised. You know, just making the change. You gotta have the stuff there in order for you to make the change. So if you have stuff that's there that you're not supposed to eat, you're gonna need to get rid of it so that you can go and snack on things that are good and healthy for you to eat, so out of sight, out of mind. So you gotta put the good stuff in there so you could have something. So when you do get hungry, that you can actually do that. Avocado is a really good thing if you're hungry, that you can eat because it's a healthy fat and it fills you up. So if you have a late night snack, half an avocado.

Speaker 1:

That is great. I am so glad that I had you on. I really love everything that you're doing and that is awesome that you actually go to people's houses and help them shop, because I think that's another element that most people don't know what to do. They're like, well, what do I do? Now you know, and having that guidance and have you have the ability to go in there and share with what they need and help them in an overall aspect is awesome. Well, we're just about out of time and before we wrap up, I wanna let everybody know that Darcya Hart's information will be in the description. It'll also be embedded into the podcast, but I highly, highly, highly recommend that you reach out to her to make these positive changes in your life and have someone like her to guide you through where you can start and help living a more healthy and sustainable life. So is there anything else you'd like to add or share before we wrap it up?

Speaker 2:

Well, you know, if you can't do it on your own and you need a hand holding, I do have an Airbnb where you can come and spend two weeks with me and we will talk about the water, I will feed you and we'll go on walks and hikes and whatever your walking restrictions are, we can manage that. But yeah, I can be with you hand on hand, one on one, and you'll just get all of me for two weeks.

Speaker 1:

That is great. I'm so excited for you. Well, I will make sure that everything is here and ready for you to go and people can reach out to you. And thank you so much for being with us and sharing all your information and what you do, your gift you really are, because people need people like you. So thank you so much for being with us.

Speaker 2:

Okay, thank you.