Coach Mikki and Friends

Santa Papa John: Bringing Christmas Joy Every Day - S4E11

Coach Mikki

Have you ever felt the warm glow of Christmas cheer fade away as the calendar turns? Hold onto that feeling a little longer with our special guest, Santa Papa John, who embodies the spirit of Christmas every single day. In a candid conversation, we uncover the man behind the red suit and explore how his transformation into Santa, supported by his loving wife, has led to delighting children year-round—not just on December 25th. From surprising stories of joy to his "Santa approved" initiative that champions businesses spreading positivity, Santa Papa John's tales weave the festivity of the holiday season into the fabric of our daily lives.

Imagine a world imbued with the kind-heartedness of Christmas in every interaction. That's the reality Santa Papa John inspires as we unpack the profound impact of his work, especially with children of special needs. His account of making children with autism smile is a touching reminder of the power of patience and kindness. The episode shines a light on the importance of inclusivity, detailing how Santa Papa John's joyous outreach extends far beyond the North Pole, touching lives and elevating spirits with the simple, yet profound, acts of love and understanding.

As we bid farewell, I'm reminded of the true essence of Santa's message—authenticity and the courage to be oneself. I leave you with a sprinkling of Santa's love and the hope that you'll carry the lessons of joy, giving, and community spirit from our discussion into each day. Keep an ear out for more heartwarming stories and connections in our upcoming episodes, but for now, let's raise a glass of eggnog to living with the Christmas spirit all year round.
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Speaker 1:

Hey, I'm Coach Mickey and I'm so glad that you've joined us and if this is your first time joining us, come on in and make yourself comfortable. And for those of you that join us on a regular basis, we are so glad that you do and we appreciate you connecting with every one of our guests that come on here and have an opportunity to share their story and be with me and give a little insight and a little love. And I'm going to be honest today I am feeling like a little kid because I have been looking so forward to having this guest on with me today and I've got my favorite drink. And I am just full of cheer and happiness right now because I have got with me Santa, papa John, and I'm just going to jump right in. Welcome, santa, how are you?

Speaker 2:

Ho, ho, ho ho. Life is awesome and you know we love to make people smile, and what I like to say, in this goofy world that we live in, there's a lot of people that don't even have a reason to smile, and I can walk around the corner, get out of a vehicle, get onto a meeting like this and the results are always the same a great, big smile. So that brings a lot of warmth to my heart and it makes me smile as well.

Speaker 1:

Well, we appreciate you because I, like I said, just looking at you and being around you, it's like you. Just you have that way of bringing happiness and joy. Now we're on the off season, you know cause we're. You know Christmas is over and, uh, you know you're preparing, getting ready, but I know everybody's going to be asking well, my gosh coach, mick, you got Santa on, you know, during the, during a timeframe, but Christmas, I think, is something, and that spirit we can celebrate all year round. It's not just a one-day event.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely. 273 days till Christmas, and when I talk to people now, we don't necessarily have to talk about the Christmas day. It's about the Christmas spirit. Everybody has the Christmas spirit in them, and some bring it to the forefront. Some people let it just simmer until it hits a certain time of the year and then it explodes from within them to bring a whole new wealth of happiness to their persona or whatever they want to believe.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, you're right, and that's something I think people look at as just the whole month, whereas this should be something that we experience and give you know all year round. But I'm going to jump right in because, as we're looking at it now, I know you're in the North Pole, but when you're off season you are when are you? Where are you in the?

Speaker 2:

Well, I spend half the time in the North Pole because the elves are busy making toys already. We don't take I gave the elves, you know two weeks holiday and then we're down to an eight hour work day, of course, and then of course they have their fun, their off time as well. But I spend a lot of time as well in minnesota. I have family in minnesota, so I bounce back and forth and I do a lot of different marketing and promoting in the off season to keep the christmas spirit alive.

Speaker 2:

And if you're wondering what this is all about, behind me is your company, santa approved. I have a little tidbit that is going crazy and everybody's having fun with it because, believe it or not, santa's the number one promoted character in the world, and wouldn't it be amazing if he was on your team as well? So you know what do I do in the off season. I spend a lot of time with Mrs Claus and the family, I oversee the elves in their making of the toys and I do a lot of meetings to arrange for suppliers and new suppliers, and meeting with people to make them smile. We need more of that in this world, you know, and it's a lot of fun.

Speaker 1:

So I got to ask how did you become Santa?

Speaker 2:

Well, everybody asks me that question and it's amazing. If you want to go my story, it is simple. When I met my new wife, she looked at me and she said I didn't meet John, I met Santa. I went no way. She says have you looked at yourself in the mirror lately? You're Santa. And the story goes. She hands me a handful of candy cane and says next time you're going through the store and you hear some kids hand them some candy, and I'm going typical male, you know, giggle, giggle, laugh, laugh here, little girl, do you want some candy? And I'm going typical male, you know, giggle, giggle, laugh, laugh here, little girl, do you want some candy? I said I'm going to go to freaking jail. So of course she kicks me in the shin and she laughs and she says just try it and see what you can do.

Speaker 2:

So I'm a truck driver by trade. I've done 3 million miles in a big truck. So here I am, big Carhartt, winter coat on it's, you know, wintertime it's. I think it was March or something, off-season, you know, and there was still snow on the ground in Minnesota and of course tennis shoes and black pants don't look anything like the character.

Speaker 2:

I walked through a certain big box store and I hear some kids squawking back at their mother and I went do I or don't I? And of course I went. Of course I do so. Then I walked around the corner and all as I went is I went hey, are you supposed to be acting that way to mom? Well, the kids got their eyeballs, went about this big and they looked at me and they went Santa, what are you doing here? And I said well, right now I'm watching how you're acting and it's not acting very nice to mom, but but, but. But. But. No, I heard you, I was listening around the corner, so you never know when Santa's going to be watching you.

Speaker 2:

So then, of course, handful of candy canes in my hand. Of course you got to ask mom permission. And she says yes. I says are you guys going to be nice for the rest of the day? Now for mom, yes, we promise. I said because I'm going to be watching you. So I hand them each a candy cane and I walked around the corner While the lady come chasing after me. She said what did you just do? But I think you just made shopping enjoyable for the rest of the day. And I went. The rest is history. And now I am very blessed and very lucky to have an amazing wife that makes all my shirts I dress like this year round because you can't hide it, and I promote the Christmas spirit and I create happiness wherever I go, and that is way more. We need a lot more in this world of that.

Speaker 1:

What a gift, what a gift, you know, I mean to be, to be blessed with that and then also to recognize it and then spread it. I mean, wow, that's, that's incredible. And then you embrace it you know, I mean it, it just and then to do it like all year round and then have that within you to be able to, to spread it and help people. So you were saying do you have Santa on your team? You know, within your, within your business or within your life. So share a little bit about that, because I really think that everybody should have Christmas spirit every single day. So how do you promote that? How do you bring that?

Speaker 2:

Well, you know, christmas is an amazing time of the year where a lot of people embrace it and it brings out just a whole different attitude in people and they think of all the happiness that they've shared and they care a lot more about the people that they love and they want to share that even more. So being Santa approved is a little gimmick that in one of my networking groups someone I've done some business with them and they come up with you know, santa needs some kind of badge to say you're Santa approved. And I looked at someone and I went say that again and I went. So they said it and I went this is transpired.

Speaker 2:

In two weeks I got ahold of my granddaughter who just finished college. She made. I said I've got grandpa's got an idea and I said I need a little bit of help with she's designing websites and stuff like that. She come up with the concept, the whole idea, in like seven or eight days. I got my website guy to do it. This is so new. I've literally started promoting it like three or four days ago and I'm so excited because there's people that want to say I would love to be Santa approved, which means they meet the certain criteria that Santa has come up with, and it involves happiness, giving back to the community and sharing and caring, and isn't that what we need more of in this world?

Speaker 1:

I love that. So if someone wants to be Santa approved, how would they go about doing that?

Speaker 2:

Well, they go to my website and then they click on services and it goes Santa approved, where it gives you another little description. You hit on it. There's seven little questions yes and no and the last two are you'll have to write more than three or four words. We're going to do a little video together. Boom, you're going to be Santa approved. For $25 a month, you can have this badge to put on your website or your social media, and then I'm going to do a video saying why you're Santa approved.

Speaker 2:

I love it. Take that video and share it all over my YouTube channel. So you get a double whammy you get to be Santa approved and I get to share your business on my social media. So it's a win-win situation. So it'll bring more happiness and maybe it will allow people to flip the switch a little bit earlier and say maybe I need to be a little bit more happy today, maybe I need to be a little bit more giving today, because I have Santa watching my back now and he's going to entice me to be a little bit kinder.

Speaker 1:

Well, I mean, and I think it's also to remember that we don't have to do it just one day out of the year or one month.

Speaker 1:

You know, I think soon as the last, you know, right after Thanksgiving, you know, everybody switches into that holiday mode and, like, everybody changes, they're a little bit happier, a little bit more giving, and then January 1st rolls along and we're right back into what we were doing and who we were and we forget. And that's why I think everybody loves the holiday season and you're right, it doesn't have to stop right then and there, yeah, maybe we don't have up the decorations, maybe we don't have, you know, our tree or whatever we use to celebrate our holiday. You know, right in the in front of us, but what's Christmas spirit is within us? It's not, it's not a decoration, it's not a present, it's what we, what we have within us and what we give, and that's I really truly believe that we have within us and what we give, and that's I really truly believe that. So I love what you're doing and it reminds. It reminds businesses or even just individuals. Hey, you can do this, and having it Santa approved, I even love that even more.

Speaker 2:

Well, you know, some people need the proverbial kick in the tush and some people embrace the Christmas spirit all year round, and that's the sad part is there's a lot of people that love Christmas but they don't show the Christmas spirit as much as they should. Maybe this is just another way of saying it's okay to do that it's allowed, another way of saying it's okay to do that it's it's allowed, it's real to show your inner feelings year round and that's acceptable.

Speaker 1:

You know, when I come across somebody who says, oh, I just want to get through the holidays, or, you know, I can't wait and I'm, and I thought that's the person that needs the christmas spirit the most, that's the person. Yeah, that's the person that needs the Christmas spirit the most. That's the person. Yeah, that's the person that doesn't get to, they're not enjoying it, they don't understand it, or maybe they don't get a chance to feel that and what you're doing and bringing that before all of that. Maybe that'll open their heart a little bit more. Maybe they'll have an opportunity to allow them to feel the way that they should and be that person to experience it, because it's such an incredible feeling, you know, to have that Christmas spirit or that holiday feeling. You know, you just can't describe it, you can't put it in words what it feels like, that moment of joy or that feeling of joy.

Speaker 2:

There's always that little boy and that little girl inside of us that want to explode, and maybe they think they're in a certain structure or a certain situation that socially it won't be acceptable to them to be real for a minute or a day or an hour, whatever the case may be. But we all have that little childhood vision inside of us and you did it when we first got on the camera. I feel like a little girl because I'm talking to Santa and you got a great big smile on your face. There's nothing wrong with that at all. You know we need more of that and you know. And people it's really sad that they have to think of what are people going to think of me versus me being the happy little person that I want to be all the time?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, and that's true, I know, even during the holidays, when you know, when Santas, you know they have the you can go and meet and talk to, there was.

Speaker 1:

There was one night that I was walking through, I had just got done with work and I had stopped by a location and Santa was there and he was, it was the end of his evening and I bought a cup of coffee and I went over and I got one for him and I sat there and I had an opportunity to to sit and just talk and I was like, and honestly, that was probably one of the best conversations and fulfilling conversations and I left with my heart so full of joy just taking a moment to to do that. And I think, as sometimes when we get up, we as adults, we're like, oh, no, you know. So my kids are like, no, no, I, you have a chance to talk to Santa, do it, do it every single time. If they have a chance to connect with you, do it. I highly recommend it, recommend it. I think that everybody should take that time to speak with Santa and have that moment to feel and feel that joy and enthusiasm.

Speaker 2:

Well, again I say it, that people put themselves up on a pedestal, that they don't think they're socially accepted to be able to do what you did. Oh, who's watching me? Who's got a camera? Who's going to take pictures of me? No, you have that inner feeling inside of you that is exploding to go wow, this is a golden opportunity to A relive my childhood, take me back to a better time in my life, maybe fulfill something that I've been missing forever. Or just for the simple fact of saying, hey, I've been having an awesome day, and what a way to end a day. But taking it a step up by visiting with one of my childhood heroes that people nowadays don't always get the opportunity, opportunity to do that. And the expression on your face and I can see the love in you was exploding through your expression in your face because that moment was something you're never going to forget for the rest of your life.

Speaker 1:

It was magical. I mean, it really was magical, that's the only word I can think of. And whether it was something that I thought maybe I was missing or needed, it didn't matter. The point that what I left with and how I felt was something that I think everybody should experience. And I don't think, like you said, we forget or we don't allow and having that ability to do it. And I love what you are doing and you do it all year round. I mean it's and it's not just you know, with, with the kids, but you're bringing something to adults too, and that gives them an opportunity to reflect. And shouldn't we do that? Shouldn't we all have the ability or the chance to go? Let me step out of what I've been doing. You know I don't want to do adult today. Let me do something.

Speaker 2:

Taking that exact sentence, there is so much peer pressure from our society that says we're not able to do that. Who says you can't do something that is not on your normal schedule or something that is not in your normal comfort zone? There's the word I'm looking for and you stepping in and having a chat with Santa. That stepped you out of your comfort zone and it created a whole different area of wow. This was just unbelievable and that's what I love doing and it's I can honestly say. You know, it's been there for 14 years and I make people smile and we need more of that. And it's so much fun.

Speaker 2:

And whether it be coming to sit on my knee, I had, you know, I had a 91 year old great grandmother sitting on my knee last year. Yes, we can't forget about them either. And I turned around and looked at Grandma and I said Grandma, I know you've had a wonderful day and you didn't expect this at all, but let me ask you a question what did I, as Santa, bring you for your seventh Christmas? As Santa bring you for your seventh Christmas? Well, the look on her face. She looks at me and she looks around the room and she looks at me and she says Santa, I barely remember what I had for dinner yesterday and you want me to remember what I had for my seventh Christmas.

Speaker 2:

But two days later I got a message from the daughter or the granddaughter that said you know, grandma was still thinking a whole day later of what I brought her for her seventh Christmas and she said it brought back so many wonderful memories of her childhood that she was sharing with the rest of the family. And I mean, isn't that what it's all about? It's about remembering, hopefully, a time in our life where we didn't have any worries, didn't have any cares, didn't have any adulting to worry about, and it was just magical. Isn't that amazing if we can think of more magical times in our lives?

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

The time you say I do in front of that minister or whoever it was, that was a magical time in your life. You know, seeing your first child born magical, amazing. You're never going to forget that. But spending some time with Santa maybe, maybe that's what you need to kickstart some of your real life experiences that you've sort of pushed to the side, that you need to bring back out and say it's time for me to start living happy again.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I love it. I love everything that you're doing and what you're offering. So walk me through a day. Walk me through a day of what you're doing. I mean, I know during the Christmas season you are just we know what you're doing. You know during the holiday season, but when you're like today, so what do you do? Like how do you go out and you help people experience this and how can they reach out to you, you know, if they want to be able to have that opportunity with you.

Speaker 2:

Well, I offer Santa one-of-a-kind happy birthday videos. Okay, one-of-a-kind means I ask four or five, six specific questions about that person, and it doesn't have to be a child. I sent one to an 80-year-old great-grandmother the other day because the lady said what do you get an 80-year-old great-grandmother that has everything? A one-of-a-kind happy birthday from Santa. Now, one-of-a-kind, of course. Her name, her child's name, her granddaughter's name, where she went to school, this is personalized just for her. And of course, I do the same thing for kids Santa check-in videos. And you, you know, maybe the kids need a little bit of encouragement from Santa because they're being on the naughty list lately. But you know, I was networking with a young lady the other day and she said what about our seniors? And I thought, you know, she said our seniors are shut-ins. Maybe someone's fallen and broken a leg. They need a little bit of pick-me-up, they need a little happiness in their life. I can send a Santa video to them to cheer people up. So I'm promoting that sort of thing.

Speaker 2:

I do a lot of networking stuff. I go out and meet people, I make people smile. I do advertising, promotions for companies and I'm involved with two big nonprofits. So I do some from commercials, some promotions for them, and that's not big nonprofits. That's always a wonderful reason to give back. And if you're thinking of donating to a nonprofit, ladies and gentlemen, give it from your heart, because it's going to go for a good reason, and we need to do more of that. Unfortunately, society has tightened up the belts on a lot of different things and our nonprofits are really hurting. So, if you have a cause, give to a nonprofit, ladies and gentlemen. They will be very thankful and it'll make your heart feel wonderful. So what else do I do in the day?

Speaker 2:

I love doing one-on-ones like this, because the smiles on people's faces is overwhelming. I know I'm sharing some happiness, some positivity, some encouragement, and that's I do a weekly, I mean I do a daily video on all my social media, and lately it's been first of all it was promoting myself. Then it started changing and I found a website that gives me all these different sayings, but lately it's all about encouraging positive action. You know, are you dreaming of being happy? Well, why dream? When you write down a dream, it becomes a goal. When you thrive for a goal that says you're going to be happy, isn't that an amazing dream, that you're going to be happy. We all need to change our thinking of what society wants us to be instead of what we want to be. Does that make sense?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it does, and I think that also goes back to thinking about when you were a kid. Everything was possible, you never had any kind of reservation. Everything was possible. You never had any kind of reservation. It was already. It was crystal clear in your mind, in your head, what you wanted, with no obstacles. And then I think, as we got older, we allowed those opinions and obstacles to become our reality. And going back to understanding and opening yourself up to those possibilities, maybe you do have to take that step back, you know, and, as Santa and getting in touch with that timeframe of your life, it gives people that opportunity to open up their minds and their hearts, to maybe revisit that, maybe go back and see that and say wait a minute, why am I not doing this? Why am I not allowing this happiness to be in my life?

Speaker 2:

My wife truly believes that she has spoken to God about me and how God has pushed me into a different direction in my lifestyle. That is more positive, and I don't want to say I'm being gospel about it, but I think there's a lot of people that just need some cheering up and I I can honestly say it's changed my life and I love making people smile. I love cheering people up and and it it's a lot of fun. I, I on tiktok, I have a lot of kids that come on, that are on the spectrum. Well, they're looking for a little bit of attention and again, society has pushed those people to the side. They can be wonderful human beings if you just give them a minute of your time.

Speaker 2:

You know there was a visit I did four or five years ago when I was first starting out in. This mother brought in two of her boys that had autism I believe it was and it was so bad that they were wheelchair bound and they were pretty rough shape but they lived the best of their ability pretty rough shape, but they lived the best of their ability. And god bless her mother that gave these two boys the best life that they were able to fulfill. But I was able to spend a few minutes of of them and my the mother come up to me after the boys left and she said I don't know what you did, but in 10 years of talking with other Santas, you made them smile and they have not acted that way towards other Santas. So I don't know if I I don't want to say I have a gift of talking to people, but I have the ability to have the patience to spend a little bit of time with all people and when people come on to my TikTok story, do you mind if I'm this, that or everything else? I says no, I don't care what you are, I don't care what color you are, I don't care what you believe in, I don't care if you're a him, her, it or whatever you want to believe. You come on to my site, you be nice, you be kind and you interact with other people in a nice way and you're pleasant and you ask honest questions. Then you can stay and participate.

Speaker 2:

Yes, unfortunately, there's some kids, some people, that I have to cut loose because they can't be nice. There's some kids, some people, that I have to cut loose because they can't be nice. They want to disturb the happiness, if you may say, if I can say it that way. But you know, some of these people come back every night, every day, every night, because I give them a little bit of happiness in their life. And you know, I keep saying it because I firmly believe it Our society is going down the wrong path and we need to turn it for some reason, so that there's more happiness in the world. Everybody is so, you know pinpointed vision, vision, pointed tunnel vision, that they have to do this, that and everything else because society says so, no, what about your happiness? We need to have more happiness that we believe that we are happy about.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean, when you've got inner joy, it's easy to spread it on the outside.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And you're right, kids. I think kids need it more than anything else Because they don't know what to do and there's so much pressure on them. And I think Because I work with a lot of kids and I see it every day and I'm like You've got to be that person that can make that difference and even just one act of kindness can make a big difference in someone's life. And I was actually talking with somebody and it was like, well, I'm only one person. You know what's the one thing I can do? And I thought you know one small thing can make a big difference. And if you don't believe that, try being in the bed at night with one mosquito. That one thing can make a big difference.

Speaker 2:

I love it. I love it. It's not the truth, though. Or we get the horse flies up here, just the little black house flies. Yes, one can make a difference on whether you sleep or not, and, yes, the mosquito is even the better one I love it.

Speaker 2:

I love it, you know, but you know what? Thank you for this opportunity. It's been amazing. I've enjoyed it, it's been so much fun, and it allows me to share to to your friends and to your followers that there is people out here that still believe happiness is a much more positive way.

Speaker 1:

I love it. And how can people reach out to you? Because now everybody knows everything will be embedded down below, but if you're listening to the podcast, it'll be in the podcast description, so you can reach out to Santa in any way, shape or form, on all of his social media, but also to reach out to him personally. But go ahead and give the information out for those that are listening, because a lot of people listen in their cars or you know when they're doing something else, but then they can go back and get the information later.

Speaker 2:

SantaPapaJohncom. I'm on Santa Papa John on all the different medias and I'm on about eight of them right now and I'm having a blast with that. And yeah, it's like, how do you find time to do it? You just do it and you uh, you know you're sharing happiness and you're creating people's smiles, and I've been doing a lot of networking and it never fails. You did the exact thing. I think I already said this people come on to a meeting and they see me right away. They get a great big smile and we need more of that. And, ladies and gentlemen, if you're having a tough time, remember that you're loved and people do care about you and you know, stepping off that bridge is not going to create happiness for you. It's going to create a lot of heartache for a lot of different people and we need to reach out to those people a lot more than we do, than people realize.

Speaker 1:

So I'm going to give you the last minute here to share your Santa wisdom. I mean, everything you've said has been so amazing and so profound, so I'm going to give you the last minute to share whatever you want to share for everyone to be able to feel amazing after they hit the end of this podcast.

Speaker 2:

Well, thank you very much and it has been amazing and I thank you for this wonderful time. But, ladies and gentlemen, just think of your childhood. I know some of you has had a rough childhood, but there's times in your life that you know you need to be very thankful for, and you know you need more cheering up. Get and you know you need more cheering up get a hold of me, santapapajohncom, or I'm on TikTok under the same you know Instagram, linkedin, wherever reach out. I'd love to make a video for you, your mother, your sister, your brother, your kids. Everybody needs a little bit of cheering up now and then. Everybody needs a little bit of cheering up now and then.

Speaker 2:

And what a way to do it? By having Santa in your court helping you encourage some positivity. And we need more of that. And you know it's a lot of fun these days and life can be very interesting and give you a lot of twists and turns. But if you start utilizing those twists and turns to your advantage, you never know where you're going to go. And remember a dream is just a dream until you write it down, and then it's a goal and we all want to dream of something better in our life. Write it down, because then you have a goal to strive for and once you reach that goal, do it again. There's no stopping. Society does not control who you are. You are an army of one and you control your own destiny, and if Santa could play a part of encouraging that, I'd love to be on your team. So thanks, coach. This is all. This has been awesome.

Speaker 1:

This was fun. I really enjoyed having you with me and and again, I, you know, I would like to have people know too that they can also find you on Keep On Sharing and they, you know they can also find all your information on there too, and we'll have all those links also available among all your other social media, which is amazing too, so that we can add in that one. But I have had so much fun and I really have enjoyed your spirit and what you've had to offer and you definitely made me happy and you started my day and I'm gonna take this all the way through, probably the end of the month, the week, probably the end of the month, because when I need that, pick me up, I'm going to go back and watch this and, you know, reach out to you. So, thank you so much for being with us today and doing what you do and sharing your joy and sharing your love and, yeah, you're a gift to have someone like you that presents this throughout the world.

Speaker 2:

Well, thank you very much. And, of course, we got to finish off with a big ho, ho, ho. Yes, it's the smile that tells the story, ladies and gentlemen, and the smile on this lady's face. If you're listening to this podcast, you need to watch it. Take a couple minutes and watch it, because the smile tells the tale and we need more of that, ladies and gentlemen. And you know, I can honestly say once again, this has changed my life and I love doing it. And the tale keeps changing. The story keeps changing a little bit more and more each day as I meet different people and which direction I'm going to go with it, but the goal is still create more happiness in the world. And, yes, kids say they want more presents and they want more toys. Well, that's just part of the story. To make them happy, and we all need more happiness.

Speaker 1:

Well, thank you, santa. Thank you so much for being with us today and, as everyone knows, all the links are down below. You can find it also embedded into the podcast, and I highly recommend reaching out to Santa. Bring a little bit of joy, remember that Christmas spirit, remember that holiday feeling, and bring it with you every day, you know, and if it's something that you would like to also implement to the other people around you. I love this Santa approved idea. I think that is an amazing idea that we remind people to have that holiday joy and that happiness each and every day. So thank you, santa, and I look forward to connecting with you again.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely, coach. It's been an amazing. Thank you for a wonderful time and stay smiling for the rest of your day. Santa loves you and hope you have an awesome day. Thank you very much. Bye-bye, bye.

Speaker 1:

Thank you guys, thank you so much. Remember, the most courageous thing you can do is be yourself. I will look forward to seeing you on either the next podcast or our next youtube video. Until then, see ya. And actually I'm just gonna say merry christmas yes, merry christmas.